How to Answer a Civil Summons in Kentucky

When an individual files a civil lawsuit against you in Kentucky, the Commonwealth sends you a summons and complaint. The complaint informs you why you’re being sued. The summons provides additional information such as the plaintiff’s name, county and court where the plaintiff filed the lawsuit. Kentucky requires you to respond to the summons and complaint if you want a chance to defend yourself in the lawsuit. Although Kentucky affords approximately 20 days to write an answer responding to the plaintiff’s lawsuit, the Commonwealth has different rules to respond to the civil summons.

Understand the difference between the complaint and civil summons. The complaint requires you to draft a written response and send it to the clerk of courts. A civil summons informs you of the time to appear in court.

Read the summons and complaint. The summons tells you important information, including the plaintiff’s name, the court where the plaintiff filed the lawsuit and the date you must file the answer. You need the information to prepare your answer.

Prepare a defense. To prepare to appear in court, prepare a defense to the lawsuit. A legal defense provides you with the reason why you’re not responsible for paying back the debt or returning property.

Appear in court. Go to the local court at the date, time and location indicated on the summons. The court expects you there – in person – to prove your case.

Provide a legal defense. After you arrive at the hearing, explain the facts of your case. You may have to refute the plaintiff's argument.



Demetrius Sewell is an experienced journalist who, since 2008, has been a contributing writer to such websites as Internet Brands and print publications such as "Cinci Pulse." Sewell specializes in writing news and feature articles on health, law and finance. She has a master's degree in English.

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