Linear programming standard form example

It only contains positive variables, equality constraints and it must be a minimization problem.
Conversion of "less than" inequalities into equalities.

Conversion of "less than" inqualites to equalities

Suppose that the i th constraint is a smaller than equality labeled as follows:

So, we must:
Consider a new (m+1)*1 column-vector X=
So, A was equal to:
and we add the new column,
so that A becomes:
So, vector C was equal to:
and we addcn+1=0
So that C becomes : ( c1c2 . cn0 )

So we have a new problem, with still n constraints, but m+1 variables. If we repeat this process with all the "smaller than" inequalities, and introduce one slack variable for each of them, then we obtain a new problem where all the "smaller than" inequalities are replaced by equalities.

Conversion of "greater than" inqualites to equalities

Suppose that the i th constraint is a bigger than equality labeled as follows:

So, we must:
Consider a new (m+1)*1 column-vector X=
So, A was equal to:
and we add the new column,
so that A becomes:
So, vector C was equal to:
and we addcn+1=0
So that C becomes : ( c1c2 . cn0 )

Conversion of non-positive variables

You have certainly noticed that the standard formulation of a linear program is quite restrictive, since it does only consider positive variables. In reality, it does not constitute a problem, since we can easily convert a problem where some variables are not required to be positive into a problem with only positive variables.
Indeed, suppose that the i th variable xi has no positivity constraint.
We the introduce two "artificial variables":
and replace xi by
xi = x'i - x''i
So, we can still have xi either positive or negative, with x'i and x''i positive.

The new variable (n+1)*1 column-vector is:

x'i and x''i positive.

So A, that was equal to
and becomes:

And we will have, in each constraint j:
= cixi
The new vector C is the following:

Maximization Problems

You have certainly noticed that the standard formulation of a linear program is quite restrictive, since it only considers minimization problems. In reality, it does not constitute a problem, and it is very easy to convert a maximization problem into a minimization problem.
Indeed, suppose that your problem is to

Maximize c1x1 + c2x2 +. + cnxn (Objective function)

This is strictly equivalent to:
Minimize -c1x1 - c2x2 -. - cnxn

and take the opposite of the optimal value of the objective function for this minimization problem as the optimal value for the original (maximization) problem.