We are here to help.

We at the Postal Inspection Service are dedicated to treating every crime victim with compassion, fairness, and respect while protecting their dignity and privacy.

Education, Caregiving & Enforcement Perspectives

Family Resources

Scammers prey on anyone who will listen. Given the right circumstances, anyone can be scammed. But everyone can and should protect themselves and loved ones from scammers. Here are some suggestions for protecting your loved ones from financial exploitation:

Victim Witness Program

Our Victim Witness Program was established to support crime victims. Our experienced staff can provide victims with services to help them endure the emotional, financial, and physical impact of crime, educate them about the criminal justice system, and provide them with notifications about case events.

Our Victim Witness Program staff offer a wide array of services:

For more information, read our Know Your Rights resource. Call us at 1-877-876-2455 to speak to a Victim Witness staff member for more information and counseling.

Victims of Financial Crime

Americans lose billions each year to scammers. If you are a victim of a financial crime it is easy to feel discouraged, but there are some steps you can take to report and recover from financial fraud.

Don’t get scammed again

Unfortunately, people who have fallen victim to a scam are at a higher risk of being targeted again because scammers often sell the personal information of people they’ve scammed. Take control of your financial future by following these simple steps:

Victims of Child Exploitation

Specially trained Postal Inspectors partner with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the Department of Justice’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, and U.S. Attorneys’ offices across the United States to investigate child sexual exploitation involving the mail and the Internet. Children’s advocacy groups are available to speak directly with parents and interview children believed to have been abused. To find a local organization, visit One With Courage.

Help for Parents of Exploited Children

The The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) offers peer support for families with sexually exploited children through its Team Hope program. Team Hope matches families with trained volunteers who can provide them with support, friendship, coping skills, and compassion: 1-866-305-4673.

Restitution for Victims of Child Exploitation

When an offender views, possesses, or distributes child pornography, it harms the child depicted in the picture every time it changes hands. Congress and courts around the country recognize the ongoing physiological, emotional, and mental harm done to children depicted in this manner. Courts have awarded restitution for child victims abused in pictures in cases prosecuted for the receipt, possession, and distribution of the pictures. To learn more, contact an attorney experienced in restitution.

Other Resources

IdentityTheft.gov www.identitytheft.gov
Department of Justice’s Elder Justice Initiative www.justice.gov/elderjustice/find-support-elder-abuse
Victim Connect Hotline 1-855-484-2846
AARP’s Fraud Fighters 1-877-908-3360
Adult Protective Services (Telephone numbers vary by location) 1-800-677-1116
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1-855-411-2372
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging www.n4a.org
Social Security Administration 1-800-772-1213